What to do if MyKad Reader Cannot be used?

What should I do if I cannot use the BCR230 (biometric MyKad) reader? MyKad reader cannot read or verify MyKad?

When you experience this it may means that your card slot is not working hence the reader cannot detect the information of the card. However we would encourage that you perform a Standalone Verification to determine whether the issue is caused by software or hardware. If the Standalone Verification failed, this could mean that the card slot is not functioning. You will require submit a Support Request first to arrange forward for the device be sent back to Pradotec to further diagnose the matter.


Why is the MyKad reader display is showing “JPN Key Lost”?

If this is happen it could mean the coin cell battery and or the device is expressing “stress” hence it has automatically erase the JPN Key stored in the device. You will require submit a Support Request first to arrange forward for the device be sent back to Pradotec to further diagnose the matter.


I cannot verify the fingerprint? I place the fingerprint on the fingerprint sensor but it is not verifying the information… Information is not coming out after I have placed the fingerprint….

This error would typically occurred if the reader could not properly detect the fingerprint, there are several scenarios that would cause such error. Scenario & things to do as below:

  1. Place fingerprint upon red light has stop blinking / whilst it is fully on on the sensor surface

  2. You only need to place fingerprint on the sensor for a few seconds. Do not need to place finger until authentication process is completed

  3. Dry fingerprint. Typically happens for women and or older user. If this happen, moist the finger by applying some lotion / sanitizer on the finger and try again.


Desktop Application appears error code / message - Error: Contact Reader: Card Absent [0x91B6]

If the error code appears after you have inserted the MyKad, it would most likely means that the card slot is faulty. You will need to arrange to send back the device for repair. Click Support Request Form, fill up and submit the form. Our Customer Service Representative will then reach out to you for the return for service arrangement. Link to Support Request Form Here


Getting start with BCR230


Service & Support Request Process